Bat records search

The London Bat Group hold records of bat roost locations, species numbers, distribution maps etc. A lot of these records have been gathered by our bat group members. The London Bat Group holds data on London’s bats in Recorder 6 software.

Records searches are often carried out for environmental consultants and or interested parties whom require information on known bat activity prior to building development or other engineering operations taking place as part of the planning application process.


Radius Cost
Up to 2.5 km radius £50
Over a 2.5 km radius Calculated on a case by case basis

The bat group does offer charity discounts, please get in touch for more details.

Should you require a records search, please contact the London Bat Group’s records officer at Please include the following information:

  • Name
  • Organisation
  • Contact details
  • The purpose of your search so we can provide you with appropriate advice
  • The Ordnance Survey Grid Reference(s) and the radius of the required search

For information on how to send us your records, please visit our report a bat sighting page.

(All data held and or made available will be subject to the Data Protection Act)